The 5:2 Diet may prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease

5:2-Diet-may-prevent-cancer The 5:2 Diet may prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease

Published: 25 November 2014

A new study claimed that the 5:2 diet may prevent cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. 5:2 diet encourage patients to limit calorie intake through intermittent energy restriction, where participants eat normally for five days and then eat a maximum of 500 calories for two days. The study states that such eating patterns are more consistent with our hunter-gatherer ancestors who “rarely, if ever, suffer from obesity, diabetes, and cardio-vascular disease.”

The “Meal frequency and timing in health and disease” paper found that occasional fasting or radical cut on calorie intake – can help the body break down fat and repair cells, which in turn can shrink tumours and reverse the ageing process and protect the body from neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The authors said disruptions of the body’s circadian rhythms from prolonged daylight hours due to artificial lighting encourage humans to eat more, making them prone to obesity and other diseases. Emerging studies contradict the belief that a healthy lifestyle involves three meals and two snacks everyday. According to the study this eating pattern is in fact abnormal from evolutionary perspective and suggests that intermittent periods of energy restriction can in fact improve health and prevent diseases.

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Cancer figures prompt call to reduce risk by improving lifestyles

Published: 26 December 2014

Almost 600,000 Britons developed cancer between 2007 and 2011 as a result of unhealthy habits such as drinking, smoking and too much time in the sun. Most cancer cases could have been avoided through healthier lifestyles. The alarming figures prompted calls for people to reduce their cancer risk by improving lifestyles, eating healthy foods, exercising and losing weight.

Prof. Max Parkin said that leading a healthy lifestyle can’t guarantee someone won’t get cancer but we can stack the odds in our favour by taking positive steps now that will decrease our cancer risk in future.

Smoking causes cancer as well as heart and lung disease. Cutting smoking rates by 1% could save 3,000 lives a year. Anyone wanting to overhaul their lifestyle should make that their top priority. Harpal Kumar, Cancer Research urged ministers to take action to stop children from smoking by introducing standardized packaging for cigarettes.

Dr. Rachel Thompson, head of research interpretation at the World Cancer Research Fund said that about a third of cancers could be prevented through a healthy diet, normal weight and regular exercise. They urge people to eat more fruits and vegetables, be physically active and decrease cancer risk by limiting intake of red and processed meat. They also urged the people aged between 40 and 74 to go for an NHS Health check and make lifestyle changes.

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Skin cancer patients demand compensation from GP over ‘botched procedures’

Published: 29 December 2014

A group of nine patients is demanding compensation over alleged botched skin cancer removal procedures from a Wollongong GP Dr. Jeremy Reader. They also called for new regulations to ensure GP refer all but simple cases to specialist. The GP is also now being investigated by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission and Medical Council.

Some of the patients were hospitalized with infections and suffered severe bleeding and several have corrective plastic surgery. One patient Ms. Bakewell-Hill was unable to breathe through the nose after procedure. She said GP’s should not be allowed to remove facial skin cancers. They should not touch your face unless they’re dermatologist, plastic surgeons.

Karen Wilmott underwent plastic surgery to correct the work performed by Dr. Reader. She said that it was only after her procedure that she learned GP’s were not required to undergo specialist training to remove skin cancers.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners said greater regulation was unnecessary. President Dr. Frank Jones said GPs were equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to treat and diagnose skin cancers and patients should feel confident approaching their GP with any concerns. If a GP feels a complex case needs a specialist’s opinion, they will refer the patient accordingly.

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